Bjorn LomborgBjorn Lomborg is adjunct professor at the Copenhagen Business School, and author of the best-selling "The Skeptical Environmentalist", where he challenges our understanding of the environment, and points out how we need to focus our attention on the most important problems first. His book has been published in the major languages around the world and he is a frequent participant in the current debate, with commentaries in such places as New York Times, Wall St. Journal, Globe & Mail, The Guardian, The Daily and Sunday Telegraph, The Times, The Australian, the Economist. He has also appeared on TV, such places as Politically Incorrect, ABC 60 minutes, CNN, BBC, CNBC, and PBS. In May 2004 he organised the "Copenhagen Consensus" which brought together some of the world's top economists. Here they prioritised the best opportunities to the world's big challenges, essentially answering the question: If we want to do good, where should we start?
Bjorn Lomborg was named one of the world's 100 globally most influential people by Time magazine in April 2004. Foreign Policy and Prospect Magazine had him listed as the world's 14th most influential intellectual in October 2005.