Hugues de Jouvenel
Hughes de Jouvenel is member of the Advisory Board of the European Futurists Conference Lucerne.
He is General Director of “the Futuribles Group” (since 1974), an international, multidisciplinary, future-oriented think-tank which has as its mission to study the contemporary world, its possible futures, the challenges facing the global community in the medium and long term, as well as the alternative policy options and strategies. He is also Director of the Futuribles Press Agency, chief-editor of the monthly Journal "Futuribles", a review on facts, ideas and trends likely to shape the future.
He is an respected international expert and consultant in futures studies and strategic planning.
He has hold different teaching positions, in particular, at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) (Higher School of Management), at the Ecole Nationale d'Administration (ENA) (National School of Public Administration), at the University of Paris VI (Jussieu), Associated Professor within the Black Sea University.
Furthermore he is President of the Association “Analyse et Prévision” (Policy studies and futures research) ; Member of the Board of Directors of the World Future Society (Washington) ; Member of the Editorial Committee of the journal “Futures” (U.K.), « Foresight » (U.K.) and “Technological Forecasting and Social Change” (USA); Member of the “Conseil du Futur” created inside UNESCO.
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