Georges T. RoosGeorges is the initiator and managing director of the European Futurists Conference Lucerne.
He is founder of ROOS Office for Cultural Innovation, a private futures studies institute. He recently has done scenarios about value change within the next 20 years for SWISSFUTURE - Swiss Society for Futures Studies. Since 2000 he has given many speeches on megatrends and foresights for companies, public administrations and NGO�s. He has been a strategic consultant for numerous companies, helping them to invent their future.
He is member of the executive board of SWISSFUTURE � Swiss Society for Futures Studies and member of the World Future Society. Furthermore he is co-founder and member of the board of ENTERPRISE � Foundation for enterpreneurial spirit -, and member of the Unit for Economical Developement to the Executive Council of the City of Lucerne.
Georges has gratuated from University of Zurich. From 1997-2000 he was member of the exeuctive board of the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute in Rueschlikon (Zurich). He lives with his wife and their two children in Lucerne.
ROOS Office for Cultural Innovation
SWISSFUTURE - Swiss Society for Futures Studies
ENTERPRISE - Foundation for enterpreneurial spirit
E-mail: [email protected]