Prof. Dr. Erik WestholmProf. Dr. Erik Westholm is member of the advisory board of the European Futurists Conference Lucerne.
Erik Westholm, Research Leader at the Institute for Futures Studies. Heading the programme Local Societies in a Global Economy. Professor in Economic and Social Geography. Came from Dalarna Research Institute where he headed a research group from 1994-2001 carrying out research on social and economic change in rural Sweden. Swedish team leader in international research projects financed by the EU FAIR-programme and the Fifth Framework programme. One of these, the PRIDE project: Partnerships for Rural Integrated Development studied the value added by partnership organisation in rural development projects in 24 study areas in six European countries.
Erik Westholm is a Research Adviser for the National Agency for Rural Affairs.
In year 2000 he was awarded the Johan Gottlieb Gahn Akademy price for "Important Contributions to the Development of the Region Dalarna in Sweden".
The doctoral thesis 1992.: Modern Land Reforms in Dalarna
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