Mats Lindgren, Kairos FutureMats Lindgren is the founder and CEO of Kairos Future and head of its Futures Research Division. He frequently hired as a speaker on futures related topics; over the years he has given more than 1000 speeches. Mats has been involved in youth research since 1990 and wrote his first book in that field in 1992, based on research on Generation X: Tomorrow's values.
He holds master degree in engineering physics and human services and a doctoral degree in business administration, his specialty being strategic management in turbulent business environments. Mats is also the author of more than a dozen books on values, lifestyles and media, and coauthor of Beyond Mobile and Scenario Planning - the link between future and strategy, both published by Palgrave Macmillan, and The MeWe Generation, published by Bookhouse Publishing in 2005.