Media releases

16. Oktober 2009

The future demands radical steps
Visitors from 17 different nations attended the 5. European Futurists Conference Lucerne. This year’s motto was « Visioning 20.20 – Escaping the Age of Stupid» and answers to the questions like «How far does the transformation reach beyond this worst crisis since the Great Depression?» were sought. For the first time in the five year tradition of the European Futurists Conference Lucerne the «Future Readiness Award» was given to small and medium enterprises, which were exceptionally well prepared regarding the future. 99.6 % of the Swiss companies are SME, which are therefore considered the backbone of the Swiss economy. The winners were selected out of a survey that the European Futurists Conference conducted together with the Swiss state secretary of economy Seco.  

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24. September 2009

Schweizer Unternehmen tun sich schwer mit der Zukunft
Erste Untersuchung über Zukunftsforschung in Schweizer KMU
Schweizer KMU schauen durchschnittlich eins bis sechs Jahre in die Zukunft. 84 Prozent geben an, dass sie sich systematisch oder eher systematisch mit der Zukunft beschäftigen. Sie betreiben unternehmerische Zukunftsforschung in erster Linie um ihre Wettbewerbsposition zu verbessern und die langfristige Zielerreichung zu sichern. Rund die Hälfte der knapp 150 kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen, die am Future Readiness Index 2009, einer online-Studie der European Futurists Conference Lucerne und des KMU-Portal des Staatssekretariats für Wirtschaft SECO teilgenommen haben, betreibt Zukunftsforschung in der Absicht, die Reaktions- und Entscheidungsfähigkeit zu verbessern. Die auf den ersten Blick günstigen Ergebnisse der unternehmensbezogenen Zukunftsforschung können allerdings nicht darüber wegtäuschen, dass Schweizer KMU nur wenige Instrumente der Zukunftsforschung effektiv anzuwenden verstehen.
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25. August 2009
After the crisis the world will look different
For the fifth time already the European Furturists Conference Lucerne will open its doors and offer a glance of the future. At the center of this year’s conference lies the question – once the crisis has been overcome – what will have changed in the fields of economy, politics and society. The most relevant futurists conference of Europe will also present the results of the exclusive online survey «Future Readiness Index 2009». More than 100 SME of Switzerland were analysed regarding their future readiness.
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28. Oktober 2008

BAT Stiftung für Zukunftsfragen and the European Futurists Conference Lucerne publish an international representative study about the future expectations of the Europeans.

Citizens look ahead with worries 
Fear of increase in cost, crime and separation of the society 
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27. Oktober 2008

«The financial crisis is only the beginning»
«The financial crisis is not over yet», says systemtheorist John L. Casti of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Vienna, Austria.

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6. August 2008
Europe 2030 – That's the way how Europeans see their future
For the first time more than 10.000 Europeans from eight contries – including Switzerland, Russia, France and Germany – were asked by the European Futurists Conference Lucerne together with the Foundation of Futurology BAT about their views of the future in eight different fields. What are their expectations? What are their hopes and fears?
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21. November 2007
Rockets on wheels, InnovationJam and Immigrants from cyberspace

With visions, that will become reality much faster than we expect, the third European Futurists Conference Lucerne comes to an end.

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20. November 2007
The Beatuy of Statistics and the Hopes and Fears of the Europeans
Statistics and their presentations by Prof. Hans Rosling, founder of Gapminder, and Dr. Ulrich Reinhardt, Stiftung für Zukunftsfragen, grabbed the audience of the 3rd European Futurists Conference Lucerne on its second day.
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Read the press release of BAT Stiftung für Zukunftsfragen here.

20. November 2007
"Stiftung für Zukunftsfragen" of British American Tobacco publishes first international representatvie study on European hopes, fears and values
Globalisation in the 21st century: Where optimis and fear collide

Download the pressrelease here (170KB)

20. November 2007
"By 2040, the number of persons suffering from dementia will more than triple"
Prof. Werner Bauer, Chief Technology Officer Nestlé, about the relevance of nutrition and mental health.
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"Bis 2040 wird sich die Zahl der Demenzfälle verdreifachen"
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19. November 2007
Baroness Prof. Susan Greenfield: "We have to provide inspiring environments for creativity".

With a barrage of words and smart provocations Baroness Susan Greenfield, Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Oxford and Director of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, opened this years European Futurists Conference Lucerne.

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19. November 2007
Der Kreativität gehört die Zukunft
Mit einem wahren Sperrfeuer von Worten und smarten Provokationen eröffnete Baroness Susan Greenfield, Professorin für Pharmakologie an der Universität Oxford und Direktorin der Royal Institution of Great Britain, die dritte European Futurists Conference Lucerne.

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29. Oktober 2007
Views of the Future – the Third Annual European Futurists Conference Lucerne

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24. Oktober 2007
Get your accreditation now! – 3rd European Futurists Conference, Lucerne

November 19 – 21, 2007
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24. November 2006

Do investments in climate control really pay off?

The “inconvenient truth” is this: The impact on the well-being of the world generated by one dollar invested into the fight against climate change is only one-fortieth that of one dollar invested against the spread of HIV/AIDS. This calculation was presented on Friday by the Danish professor Bjorn Lomborg at the European Futurists Conference Lucerne.

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24. November 2006

Lohnen sich die Investitionen in den Klimaschutz?

Die „unbequeme Wahrheit“ ist: Ein Dollar, investiert in den Kampf gegen den Klimawandel, generiert einen 40 mal kleineren Effekt für eine bessere Welt, als ein Dollar, der gegen die Verbreitung von HIV/AIDS eingesetzt wird. Diese Berechnung stellte der dänische Professor Bjorn Lomborg am Freitag an der European Futurists Conference Lucerne vor.
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23. November 2006

Are the days of having to learn foreign languages numbered?

The relationship of human and computer is standing at the verge of a new era. Implants that measure only a few millimetres across will soon be able to connect the human brain to computers. They will allow us to improve our memory and to perceive ultrasound and infrared. According to Kevin Warwick, professor of cybernetics at the European Futurists Conference in Lucerne, even the direct transfer of thoughts from brain to brain – without the use of language - is no longer just science fiction, but could very soon be a reality. The forecaster of the World Economic Forum Davos, Ged Davis, spoke of the global challenges of the future and the Deutsche Bank prepared world-wide growth forecasts for the year 2020.

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23. November 2006

Brauchen wir bald keine Fremdsprachen mehr zu kennen?

Die Verbindung von Mensch und Computer steht vor einer neuen Entwicklungsstufe: Nur wenige Millimeter grosse Implantate verbinden schon bald Hirn und Computer. Sie verhelfen uns zu einem besseren Gedächtnis und erlauben es, dass wir auch Ultraschall und Infrarot wahrnehmen können. Auch der direkte Gedankenaustausch von Hirn zu Hirn – an der Sprache vorbei - sei keine Science Fiction, sondern schon sehr bald Realität, sagte Kevin Warwick, Professor für Cybernetics an der European Futurists Conference Lucerne. Der Zukunftsexperte des World Economic Forum Davos, Ged Davis, sprach von den globalen Herausforderungen der Zukunft und die Deutsche Bank stellte weltweite Wachstumsprognosen für das Jahr 2020 auf.

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22. November 2006

Will globalisation come to an end in a few years’ time?

John L. Casti, a reputable scientist and future expert, predicts that the idea of globalisation is a passing phenomenon that is slowly moving offstage. The world of the relatively near-term future will see a growing trend toward fragmentation, not unification, toward xenophobia, not merging of cultures, toward economic decline, not growth. At the 2nd European Futurists Conference in Lucerne Casti contradicted Thomas Friedman.
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High resolution picture Georges T. Roos Director (6 MB)
High resolution picture Prof. John Casti (4 MB)
other pictures your will find tomorrow in our picture section


22. November 2006

Globalisierung in einigen Jahren am Ende?

Die Idee der Globalisierung ist ein vorübergehendes Phänomen, das sich langsam von der Bühne verabschieden wird, prophezeit der angesehene Mathematiker und Zukunftsexperte John L. Casti. Die Welt der nächsten paar Jahre werde sich einem wachsenden Trend der Zersplitterung gegenübersehen und nicht der Vereinigung; der Fremdenfeindlichkeit und nicht dem Zusammenschmelzen von Kulturen und des wirtschaftlichen Rückgangs und nicht Aufschwungs. Casti machte diese Vorhersage am Mittwoch im Rahmen der 2. European Futurists Conference in Luzern. (...)

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High resolution picture of Georges T. Roos, Director (6 MB)
High resolution picture Prof. John Casti (4 MB)


10. October 2006

Communication through nerves

Prof. Rolf Pfeifer and Prof. Kevin Warwick presented their views of artificial intelligence during the Swiss Re Risk Talk in Rüschlikon. First time in the world, communication through nerves succeeded.

Download - only in German [PDF 43 KB]
Interview with Prof. Kevin Warwick [PDF 47 KB]
Interview with Prof. Kevin Warwick - in German [PDF 38 KB]


7. October 2006

Media-Talk - Swiss Re Risk Talk about artificial Intelligence

Prof. Kevin Warwick - one of the main speakers at the European Futurists Conference Lucerne - speaks about his experiments with implant technology for use in neural illness as well as forms of enhancement in the long term.

Download invitation Risk Talk [PDF 49 KB]

Invitation Media Talk - only in German [PDF 68 KB]


19. September 2006

Announcement second European Futurists Conference takes palce from 22-24 November 2006

Download - only in German [WORD 28KB]


12. July 2005

Europe must not become a museum

To conclude the conference, the European Futurists Conference Lucerne presented the futures declaration: it proceeds on the assumption that Europe is in the middle of a process of fundamental change which will radically alter the political and economic landscape over next 10 to 20 years. According to the Deutsche Bank's predictions, the national economies of India, Malays

