As we know, China has experienced an unparalleled transformation in just 30 years since opening up the economy. Now the world�s fourth largest economy, over 400 million have been taken out of poverty and it has become the world�s leading consumer of commodities such as steel and aluminium.
Rohit Talwar has undertaken a major global business survey on the future of China's Economy in which over 700 respondents from 60 countries across five continents provided detailed responses. This represents the first global study of its kind on such a scale � providing rich quantitative and qualitative insights into how attitudes and ambitions for the China market are evolving across continents.
Read more about the survey here.
75% Pre-Launch Discount Offer for the European Futurists� Network
Rohit Talwar - the report�s author has generously offered our Network a pre-launch discount of over 75% on the price for his forthcoming report on the Future of China's Economy. The report will be priced at $395 at its launch on March 22nd. Our Network can order a copy at the discounted price of just $95+postage and packing.
To order your copy, please go to or telephone +44 (0)20 7272 6766 and quote discount code EUFU01