
The CD-ROM with all the presentations of the first European Futurists Conference Lucerne (July 10-12, 2005) is on sale. Please make your order by E-Mail [email protected] or click here. Price: CHF 50.00 (incl. VAT, packaging and postage).

>> Pre-Conference: APPROACHES & METHODS

>> Main Conference: FORESIGHT & IMPACT

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Approaches & Methods


Sunday, 10 July 2005

13.00h Speed dating Rohit Talwar, Advisory Board
13.20h Opening
Welcome address
Pero Micic, President Advisory Board European Futurists Conference
Futuring is More than Strategic Planning
Chair: Pero Micic, President Advisory Board
13.45h What We Need to Know About the Future Patrik Sallner,  Head of Insight & Foresight Nokia
14.05h The Spirit of the Future 
How does Forecasting influence business, politics and minds?
Matthias Horx, Futurist
14.40h Potential and Limitations of Futuring
Round Table
Johan Peter Paludan
Prof. Dr. Markku Wilenius
Matthias Horx
Patrik Sallner
15.30h Coffee break  
How Futurists Actually Tell the Future - Improving Theory
Chair: Prof. Erzs�bet Nov�ky, Vice President Advisory Board
16.00h "Unblackboxing" methodological myths  Dr. Marjolein van Asselt, Faculty of Arts and Culture, Maastricht University
16.30h Applying Principles of Systems Theory in Scenario Planning - What is the added value?  Prof. Roland W. Scholz, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH
Dr. Arnim Wiek, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH
REALITY (Breakout sessions part 1)
Empowering Organisations with Future Intelligence
Chair: Rohit Talwar, Member Advisory Board
17.00h Short Presentations of the Breakout sessions   
17.30h Parallel Breakout sessions
Case 1: Government of Liechtenstein 
Establishing a national foresight programme in a small state: how to establish the Foresight Programme for Liechtenstein?
Case presenter:
Dr. Tino Quaderer, Head of Zukunftsb�ro of the Government of Liechtenstein
Case 2: Swisscom Innovations
How to create a vision for a complete Industry: What is the best methodology to create a 10-years ahead vision for a specific industry such as ICT world?  
Case Presenter:
Nicolas Maesani, Project Leader, Swisscom Innovations
Case 3: InterNutrition 
Agriculture in Europe in the year 2025: what are the driving forces of further developments for the agriculture?
Case Presenter:
Dr. Arthur Einsele, Senior Advisor InterNutrition
Case 4: OECD 
What kind of long term tangible infrastructure do the OECD Countries need in order to generate social and economic benefits
Case Presenter:
Dr. Pierre-Alain Schieb, Head FutureProjects OECD International Future Programme
Case 5: Swiss Re 
Risk perception in the future: will the young generation treat technology-related risks more utilitarian than their parent generation?
Case Presenter:
Dr. Rolf Tanner, Head Socio-Political Risk Research, Swiss Re
Christina Ulardic, Swiss Re
Future Seminar: 
Creative Man
The Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies
18.30h End of 1st day
19.30h Futurists Reception Hotel Schweizerhof
Welcome addresses by
Prof. Eleonora Barbieri Masini,
Representative of World Futures Studies Federation



Monday, 11 July 2005

08.20h Short plenary sessions  
08.30h REALITY (Breakout sessions part II)
Empowering Organisations with Future Intelligence
10.30h Coffee break
Chair: Dr. Wendy Schultz
11.00h Cutting Edge Methods of Foresight in the Futures Study Programs 
- Corvinus University Budapest (Hungary)
- Conservatoire  Nationale des Arts et
   Metiers CNAM (France)
- Gregorian  University (Italy)
- Turku School of Economics and Business
   Administration (Finland)

Prof. Erzs�bet Nov�ky

Prof. Eleonora Barbieri Masini
Prof. Markku Wilenius

11.45h End of the Pre-Conference  

*) to be confirmed

The programme is subject to modification






Main Conference:


Foresight & Impact


Monday, 11 July 2005

14.15h Opening Georges T. Roos, Managing Director European Futurists Conference Lucerne
14.20h Welcome notes: Urs W. Studer, Mayor City of Lucerne
Pierre-Alain Schieb, Future Programme OECD
Knowing the Unknowable - What We Really Can Tell About the Future
Chair: Rohit Talwar, Advisory Board
14.30h Take Hold of Your Future - Key Trends Affecting the Future of Your Business and Personal Life 

Organisational Intelligence in a Digital Age
Dr. Patrick Dixon, Chairman Global Change Ltd

Dr. Michael Jackson
, Founder and Chairman Shaping Tomorrow
16.00h Coffee break
The Future Is Not What You Think it Is
Chair: Ute von Reibnitz, Advisory Board
17.00h Making Change Happen: Futures literacy for the 21st Century  Riel Miller, Associate, Demos,
London, Senior Visiting Fellow, Danish Technological Institute
17.45h How Europe can Prosper from a Global Demographic Dividend Bo Malmberg, Institute for Futures Studies, Uppsala University
18.30h End of 1st day
19.30h Dinner Hotel Schweizerhof
Speech: Science Fiction - lab of the Future

Karlheinz Steinm�ller, Sci-Fi Autor,
Futurist, Z_Punkt The Foresight Company



Tuesday, 12 July 2005

08.30h Introduction of 2nd day
 Pero Micic
Foresight Forming Better Decisions
Chair: Dr. Michael Jackson, Advisory Board
08.45h UK Government 
Horizon scanning � improving the anticipatory capability, developing a guide in shaping �the day after tomorrow"
Rohit Talwar, programme manager of Horizon Scanning Unit, Defra (UK government)
09.20h Siemens 
Managing Innovation in High Technology with Scenario Technique
Dr. Heinrich Stuckenschneider, Vice President Corporate Technology and Head Strategic Marketing Siemens AG
10.00h Coffee break
10.30h Future Concept Lab 
The Six Trends in the Future of Consumption and the Methodologies to Conceive them
Trend analysis
Francesco Morace, president Future Concept Lab, Milano
11.05h Booz Allen Hamilton 
Dynamic Simulation - case studies:
HIV/AIDS in India
Market Entry Strategy into the UMTS World
Dr. Daniel F. Oriesek, Head of European Recruitment, Booz Allen Hamilton, Z�rich
Raffael Jovine, Senior Associate Booz Allen Hamilton Global Health team, London
11.45h Lunch break  
What We Need to Do Today for Tomorrow
Chair: Prof. Prabhu Guptara, Executive Director Organisational Development, Wolfsberg (UBS)
14.15h Visioning exercise Dr. Wendy Schultz
14.30h Europe 2020: Chances and Risk 
Future Agenda panel
Ged Davis, Managing Director World Economic Forum (WEF)
Charles Kleiber, State Secretary of Education and Research
Prof. Norbert Walter, Chief Economist Deutsche Bank
15.45h Presentation for Questionnaire results

Future Declaration 
Conference findings
16.00h End of the Conference

*) to be confirmed

The programme is subject to modification


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