Advisory Board

The Advisory Board (AB) is the guiding force behind the European Futurists Conference Lucerne. It advises the management of the parent body in all matters of content. [more...]

The picture of the Advisory Board - made on its inauguration on 9 January 2004 at the Swiss Re Center for Global Dialogue in R�schlikon/Switzerland. To enlarge the picture, click on it...




Dr. Micic, Pero Futurist FutureManagementGroup AG (D)
Vice Presidents    
Prof. Dr. Wilenius, Markku Senior Vice President in
Group Development
Allianz Group (D)
Prof. Dr. Ratcliffe, John Director

Dublin Institute of Technology (Irl)


Dr. Bas, Enric

Professor Social Forsight

University of Alicante (ES)
Prof. Cinquegrani, Riccardo

Gregorian University (I)
Dr. Giger, Andreas Futurist Forum Futurum (CH)
Dr. Goux-Baudiment, Fabienne
Dr. Heigl, Andreas

Senior Manager
ProGective (F)

GlaxoSmithKline (D)
Hiltunen, Elina
What's Next Consulting Oy (Fi)
Horx, Matthias Futurist Zukunftsinstitut Matthias Horx (A)
Dr. Jackson, Michael Chairman Shaping Tomorrow (UK)
de Jouvenel, Hugues General Director Futuribles Group Paris (F)
M�ller-Pietralla, Wolfgang Foresight Department
Volkswagen (D)

Paludan, Johan Peter Managing Director The Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies (Den)
Reibnitz, Ute H�l�ne

Dr. Reinhardt, Ulrich

Scenarios + Vision (F)

Stiftung f�r Zukunfsfragen BAT (D)
Roos, Georges T. CEO Futurist ROOS Office for Cultural Innovation, Lucerne (CH)
Dr. Schieb, Pierre-Alain Head FutureProjects OECD International Future Programme (F)
Dr. Schultz, Wendy CEO Futurist Infinite Futures Foresight training and facilitation (GB)
Dr. Sokolov, Alexander

Deputy Director
Higher School of Economics
Dr. Steinm�ller, Karlheinz Scientific Director Z-Punkt GmbH
The Foresight Company (D)
Talwar, Rohit

Dr. Tanner, Rolf
CEO Futurist

Head of Socio-Political Risk Research
Fast Future (UK)

Swiss Re (CH)

Prof. Dr. Westholm, Erik Research Director Swedish Institute for Futures Studies (S)

